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The Arumangi

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What's left of the mountain range is usually covered in either fire or ice depending on the time of day. The Arumangs make it some sort of pilgrimage to travel to them. Not quite sure why. Maybe they're all just insane.

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I say "Ruins" But this temple is literally untouched by anything but nature. The Arumangs don't dare step on the sacred ground, and neither do the beasts apparently. There are vines and trees and bushes, but no sign of any sort of wildlife. It must be eerily quiet.

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A vast and wide expanse of land where monsters and beasts of all kinds run about and destroy pretty much everything in their wake.

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There is a small village in the middle of the Harun Plains. Not quite sure why anyone would really want to live in the Arumangi, but indeed they choose to regardless. There seems to be some sort of barrier protecting the village from the wild beasts and monsters.

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Otherwise known as the Floating Isles. These islands came about with the End. Mountains collapsed, but for some reason, bits of them lay littering the sky. Gravity seems to be all sorts of wacked out around here, and huge flying monsters exist in the peaks and forests of these islands.

The Terra

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The best and richest folks of Terra live in this area of the city. All sorts of fancy buildings and living spaces make it very desirable.

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If I remember, it's where all of the cities hustle and bustle really is. The black Market, all sorts of drugs, and other medicines too, come on, and illegal transport of rare and expensive items come through. There's also lots of gambling, and probably some thieving and child labor. Probably some slavery too.

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There is this given space of about a mile between Terra and the Walls. It is heavily guarded on both sides to make sure none of the other can pass through the borders. However, all the tall grass, trees, and wildlife make it a pretty good hide out for bandits, and street folk, like I used to be, or People trying to escape their life of Praise.

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Otherwise known as Terra, this city is huge! I mean the biggest city left since the End. It bustles day and night with the Terra folk, wandering about markets, cleaning up messes, and keeping the peace as best as they can with The People Behind The Walls. I grew up running those streets, though they were much smaller then.

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This is the outskirts, the last place where any of the Terra folk choose to be. A small, but thriving township on the outskirts of Terra herself. I don't know much about the area, but I hear monsters from Arumangi attack quite often, especially at night.

The Walls

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All the destruction has caused a lot of death. Located on the other side of the docks, there are headstones of the ones that were lost when the End came. It's rather peaceful here, but kinda spooky too.

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From what I hear, these small little dirt and stone rooms, serve as living quarters, or rather sleeping quarters I guess, for The People. They are located in an apartment like kind of structure on the top side of the Temple. But then again, I'm sure they don't mind since they spend most of their time in the Temple, right?

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A new temple has been raised by The People to their Goddess, since the old one is under water. They have kept in in relatively the same spot as it used to be, I think there's rumors floating about that it is actually built on top of the old one, but no one has been brave enough to figure out if that's true or not.

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These are all sorts of torn apart, but The People have been trying to put them back together. They reach out as far as they can, and stretch over what used to be their temple. They have definitely moved up since The End though.

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There's huge guard towers still up at the edges of the Walls. I'm surprised that anyone is still even in that area, but hey, it's protected land.

The Arbotreum

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This is where the boiler room and engineering room and all that sorta stuff is. It's super loud down there with all the engines and things, but hey, someone's gotta do the work around here right? Maybe?

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I haven't been able to travel to this place yet. It seems to be the only other place on this whole damn ship that Lady Celeste goes to. She could probably tell ya more about it if ya asked though.

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This includes, but is not limited to; The Cafeteria, which serves pretty good food considering they never get supplies. The Breaham, a bar that my wonderful self decided needed to be here, so that people can come and gamble and play hookie, and maybe do some other workings, not too nitty gritty though. The Restrooms, cuz hey, ya gotta do business somewhere. The Infinity Area, My good friends Cat and Dodge set this business up. Here ya find all the amenities you may need, like, a swimming pool, a hot tub, and a sauna. Just total relaxation for the tired minds.

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Everyone has their own room. Kind of impressive actually. It's almost always empty at this lower part of the ship, unless one wishes to sleep, or have some company on some down time. They are all pretty good sized custom suites. Not bad, eh?

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The Atrium is pretty much the bridge of the ship. There is a huge open space, screens and windows line the walls. There are sections blocked off where the crew work. Cat, Dodge, and Lady Celeste can be found wandering through the areas. Lady Celeste is always here, it's almost like she never sleeps.

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